Thursday, June 5, 2008
I use OLD ME, NEW ME in both my learning disability center and in my private practice. I found these tapes to be very effective in increasing self esteem and self control, and decreasing anxiety and aggression. I highly recommend that parents use them with their children at home.
Lendell Braud, Ph.D.T.S.U. University, Houston, Texas
“Over the past 6 years I have been involved with approximately 12 research studies using Peace, Harmony, Awareness.* I have found these tapes to be effective with hyperactive and learning disabled children as well as with children in the regular classrooms. Improvements in attention to task, memory, academic achievement, internal locus of control, self esteem and self concept have been revealed. In addition, children responded very positively to the tapes. I have also found these tapes to be beneficial with adolescent and adult clients suffering from insomnia, test anxiety, and other stress related disorders. Adults have also responded well to the Lupin tapes.” *The Old Me, New Me tapes were formerly called “Peace, Harmony and Awareness.”Mike Omizo, Ph.D.Associate Professor of PsychologyUniversity of Houston
“I use these tapes extensively in the clinic and I am contantlyimpressed with how effective and helpful the tapes are."Eugene Walker, Ph.D.Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, (retired)University of Oklahoma Health Science Center
“Regardless of diagnosis, I have found that all of my clients have two things in common: 1) they are under psychological stress and 2) they are experiencing a loss of internalized control. I have found that the Old Me, New Me program helps reduce psychological stress, and, by its very nature, gives the client physiological and psychological control. I very often begin noticing positive changes within the first few sessions. I use the Old Me, New Me program as the foundation of nearly all of my therapy, and will continue to do so. Besides the relationship developed between therapist and client, I have found the program to be the most effective therapeutic technique I have discovered."B. AlthaferHalifax Behavioral ServicesDaytona Beach, FL
There are other relaxation tapes available but yours is the only one that seems to follow the most logical procession, i.e. teaching them progressive muscle relaxation and breathing techniques before going to visual imagery. It has demonstrated excellent results in my classroom."H.V.Selma, N.C.
Using the visual imagery and being able to swim in an ocean of love and caring with the playful dolphins creates a wonderful "time out" from the anxiety children and teens of divorce are experiencing. The message of hope that SWTD imparts certainly will impact against the helplessness and sadness that these children, teens and parents are feeling. I sincerely recommend this CD to parents, school counselors, pastors and all who work with these troubled ones.
Rev. Leona Lawson D.D.
A University Study with children of Katrina shows a significant decrease in the following behaviors: ADHD, Hyperactivity, Anxiety, Worry, Aggression, Frustration, Impulsivity, Physiological Symptoms and an Increase in Attention Span.A non-drug alternative to ADHD medication.
by Mimi LupinM.A., L.S.S.P., L.P.C.
In recent years, it has been discovered that talk therapy does little to help children and teens with behavioral and emotional problems. Both parents and counselors are often frustrated because these children's behavior does not change. It has been found through neurological and intellectual tests that children with lower I.Q. and poor auditory memory, as a rule, have better visual skills than auditory skills. For this reason, imagery, visualization and other right brain therapies such as Old Me New Me are considered best practice for these children and teens.
The Old Me New Me is an evidenced based right brain program and has helped hundreds of young people reduce their negative thinking and increase positive feelings and behavior, leading to more peace and joy in their lives. Imagery, relaxation and music first calms the young person's nervous system so that behavioral changes become possible. An emphasis in the stories is on problem solving and making better choices. Many professionals think that a lack of problem solving skills and good decision making skills is a major reason that many children and teens experience frustration, anger, anxiety, temper tantrums and out of control behavior. These skills are taught and positive change becomes possible with continual use of the program. This program is often used in combination with medication and has also helped young people reduce their reliance on medication over time.
OLD ME NEW ME is a series of CDs for children and teens, using relaxation and guided imagery to help reduce a number of emotional and behavioral problems. These behaviors include negative thinking, anxiety, worry, frustration, impulsivity, aggression and ADHD behavior.
OLD ME NEW ME is an easy to use program, normally used in a counseling session or used at home, at bedtime for children and teens who experience anxiety, ADHD, post traumatic stress, behavioral or emotional problems. By using Old Me New Me and the additional component art and EFT program on this site, long term effects of trauma, anxiety and post traumatic stress can be lessened.
Researchers say that teens and children have ten percentage more stress than adults and that 85% of all adolescents report that they have too much stress in their lives. Forty percent of children and adolescents who have been diagnosed as having ADHD also experience anxiety disorder as well even though they may be currently on medication for ADHD and behavioral problems. This evidenced based program is a non drug alternate to the use of medication for anxiety. Old Me New Me teaches new behaviors and emotional responses to some of life’s difficult and stressful situations and in so doing, reduces the stress and anxiety that so many of these young people feel. Many parents are looking for help for these problems without the use of medication. Getting to the root of the anxiety helps build self esteem and a feeling of control for these youngsters.
Many positive changes are possible when Old Me New Me is used over a full twelve weeks period. Emotional and behavioral problems diminish over time when new behaviors are learned and when these positive behaviors are encouraged and reinforced by parents and teachers.
Using this non drug therapy, change is accomplished by using relaxation, guided imagery, soothing sound effects, behavioral rehearsal and positive self-talk in a story line using the right hemisphere of the brain. ADHD, emotional and behavioral problems are lessened significantly. Children respond extremely well to this therapy.
More appropriate ways to handle stress are taught in the story lines. The inability to handle frustration, stress and major changes appropriately is another reason many young people exhibit behavior problems. These important behavioral and emotional skills are best learned in a relaxed state.
This program is especially effective for those who have experienced trauma, severe negative experiences or post traumatic stress. Some of the most significant results from several university studies are a decrease in ADHD behaviors and a decrease in anxiety, frustration and aggression. Regular use will provide many of these benefits. These programs are used by parents, counselors and therapists and by children's hospitals. Research results are available on this site.
Many children report that their parents' divorce is one of the greatest stressors in their lives and often times, the effects of this trauma is carried into their adult lives. The after effects of this stressor can be lessen to a great degree by how parents deal with the divorce. For information on how to help decrease this stress and anxiety for children, parents may download a free booklet that offers suggestions and ways to help their children during this traumatic time in their lives.
Dr. Lendell Braud, a professor of Psychology conducted a study using Old Me New Me with a number of young victims of Katrina who experienced post traumatic stress. Results showed a number of positive benefits from the use of this program with these youngsters over a 12-15 week period. These benefits included a decrease in anxiety, physiological stress and worry, a reduction of concentration problems and depression. Parents reported their children were less physically and verbally aggressive, less impulsive and hyperactive and showed fewer signs of frustration.
These results were presented at the American Psychological Association in New Orleans at the annual meeting in August 2006. In June 2007, this study was published in the Journal of International Imagery. Results of this research are being presented again at the Texas State Counselor's conference in Galveston, Texas April 14,2008.
Swimming with the Dolphins, is now available to help heal the hearts of children of divorce and to help them overcome the negative thoughts and feelings about their parents divorce. This program can be downloaded or purchased separately from the Old Me New Me.
Old Me New Me is guaranteed to be helpful to your child if used 5-7 times per week over a three month period. If this is not the case, the program can be returned in good condition for a money back guarantee after three months for a money back guarantee less shipping costs.
Buy Now
OLD ME NEW ME, also a stress management programImproves:· Self-esteem,· Behavior· Concentration· Self controlDecreases:· Anxiety,· Aggression,· Anger· ADD and ADHDCounselors frequently recommend that Old Me New Me be used in conjunction with their counseling sessions. This program is particularly helpful for children and teens with ADD, ADHD, anger problems and generalized anxiety.
A newly developed art program has been developed for use by counselors with this program and is available on this web site. Often young people are unable to verbalize their distress and this program helps reveal what these stresses are so that counselors can more effectively help these youngsters. Kids love the Old Me New Me and ask to hear it!
The CD program contains all 11 stories and two different relaxation sessions available on the 3 CDs with instruction booklet. The CDs include the following concepts in the titles below:
Relaxation Exercises - helps identify tension by experiencing the difference between tension and relaxation.
"Slow Relax" - teaches how to relax in everyday situations by breathing deeply
“Old Me, New Me”- emphasizes that one can change for the better with the use of relaxation techniques, teaches "I" message and appropriate expression of feelings.
“Trip to Mountains”- enhances relaxation and the importance in believing in one's self.
“Walk in the Woods”- stresses the importance of cooperation in relationships with others.
“Trip to the Beach” - teaches that one can have control over both body and mind and how to let go of test anxiety. Click here to listen to sample
“Trip to a Star” - young people can be as peaceful as they choose and have th ability to think clearly even when feeling stressed. Click here to listen to sample
“Yes I Can, I know I Can” - helps young people know they can achieve, develops patience with oneself and that one does not have to be perfect.
“A Secret Place” - takes the young person to a special place to develop inner wisdom and intuition and to know that they are special.
“Magic Mountain” Part I" - ways to make good choices so that life will be more peaceful and productive. Emphasizes the importance of abstaining from drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
"Magic Mountain Part II - practice in letting go of a negative traumatic event that can create long lasting problems and possible future drug use.
“Robin and the Magic Kingdom” - teaches ways to deal with conflict rather fighting or hurting others with their words.
“Robin Returns to the Magic Kingdom" - being able to control moods changes the way we think, act and feel.
Internet Special Price: $84
Special Download for children of divorce:
"Swimming with the Dolphins" and "Slow Relax"$20.00Buy Now,
Create-An-Art Image Relaxation (CAIR) Therapy (for use by Counselors)
Special Price $40.00
Buy Now,
For more about the stories, click here.
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Mimi Lupin has worked with parents and at risk children for thirty years. She has been an associate school psychologist, educational diagnostician, Special Education counselor, and trainer during her varied career.
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Training Workshopfor parents in the middle of divorce 6 Hours LPC Credit Available
Training Leader:Mimi Lupin, M.A.L.P.C., L.S.S.P.
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"On a daily basis school nurses treat thousands of children with stress related health problems. For this reason, Old Me, New Me (formerly Peace, Harmony Awareness) is an important part of the curriculum.” Judy Igoe, R.N .M.S.Director of School Health ProgramsUniversity of Colorado Health Science Center
"I used the "Old Me, New Me", tape series for many years during social skills classes with severely emotionally disturbed elementary children. I highly recommend it. Even students who were a little resistant to try them, began to love them. My students would beg to listen to the tapes!"M. PetersBehavior Specialist, San Antonio Texas
"This is my second year as a social worker and my experience with the CDs has been successful. I have a number of boys with ADHD and have found that they enjoy this program and are actually the students that relax the best in my groups. The other day, one of them asked when we would be doing the CDs again! This tells me that he is learning that this tool is helpful in his dealing with frustration. His mother told me that he has been doing the breathing at home and his teacher has seen improvement in his class also. Old Me New Me is a wonderful tool that has helped me this year and will help me in the years to come in addressing these problems with the children I work with. Thank you so much!"Yvonne GarleyLMSW School Social WorkerLos Lunas, New Mexico
"My wife and I have been providing a parent education program for our local district court for about 18 years. During that time, we made modifications of our program bsed on our experiences, continuing education programs and our readings. We found the program, "Children in the Middle" and felt that this program would compliment our approach. As a result we attended Mimi Lupin's workshop on "Children in the Middle". This program was presented in a professional, personable manner. The program fully met our needs in preparing us to implement, "Children in the Middle". We highly recommend this workshop."Charles A. Berry, Ph.D.Psychologist Suzanne T. Berry, Ph.D.Family and Child DevelopmentConsultantDenver training April 06, 2006
Swimming with the Dolphins is an excellent resource for parents, counselors and therapists to use with children whose lives are touched by divorce. The CD gently and lovingly guides the child through a healing visualization with a family of wise and caring dolphins. Once familiar with the process children can independently use this resource to promote their own healing. Highly recommended!
Syandra Ingram-M.S Ed.. Certified School Counselor, EFT Adv/
For information concerning the relaxation program,Old Me, New Me,contactMimi Lupin,Schoolhouse Educational PublishingP.O. Box 20345Hot Springs, AR 71901Or you may email Mimi at
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